Monday, November 17, 2014


Lynne Paterson, Evolving Edge ™ Health Coach
November 2014

The "evolving edge" of health is an emerging conversation in the yoga community for which I am forever grateful. This is a game-changing, life-changing conversation on health and wellness!!
I invite you to step into this conversation with me. With your self, your family, friends and associates.

The current paradigm of health that we humans find ourselves in looks like this:
we will be born, we will grow, we will work, we will age, we will suffer, and finally we will die. With this mindset, we move through our lives with a sense of some invariable, unchangeable fact of life. We are all subject to the rules of mortality, unable to make a dent in this established paradigm.

In the course of life, we most certainly will experience the full spectrum of our humanity. We WILL grow, work, play, enjoy and suffer through a tidal wave of highs and lows…and most certainly we will leave our physical body behind at the end of life, when we pass on.

But what if we could shift reality by changing the conversation?
What if you could rewrite the script of growing old and aging? What if you knew that you could communicate with your future self with the expressed purpose of creating your future health? 
What if you could create perfect health: happy, empowered, radiant, energetic, etc? Would you engage with me in that conversation?

We all dream about our future: where we want to live, what we want to do, with whom we want to be. Everyone alive today has as image of their ideal life.

Our dreams may take form as a clear vision with detailed specifics; or may manifest as a strong desire to be fully alive and spiritually awake; or arise as a simple sense that there's something more, something better awaiting us… somewhere out on the horizon of our future.

This inner sense of 'something more, something else' IS your future self speaking up!
The soul of your future self is continually calling out to the soul of your current self. Are you listening?
When we establish a clear connection between our current self/health and our ideal future self/health, something magic happens. We begin to see something never before imagined - we discover a brand new connection awaiting us.

This newfound space - the space between where we are and where we wish to be - is a gateway, a bindu (center point of consciousness). This point, seam or gap is the midline between Universal Consciousness and human consciousness. It's the vesica pisces of sacred geometry; the space of creativity, freewill and unlimited potential. When we step into this gap on a daily basis, we impact our health, vitality and wellbeing is a most positive manner. We can learn to use the rules to our advantage - to shift our pathway into the future! We can begin to create our future self - today!

When we learn to hold this gap open, we'll discover more about our self, values and deepest desires. We'll learn to stand tall in the field of possibility and dream big. And it that energy field, we'll learn to strengthen the connection between who we are now and who we wish to become. As we uncover each essential strand of our vision a new level of awareness arises spontaneously.  We become more open. Insight, inspiration, motivation and wisdom arise because this new found awareness creates a powerful connection to the Source Light. When we connect to Source, it's creative energy flows into and fill that gap. It is this creative energy that empowers up to manifest our vision in the present moment.

Ultimately, it's important to stitch up this seam. When we narrow, then close this gap, we bring the  energy of our vision back to the present where we can harness its power and use it to make necessary changes or take the necessary actions to make it manifest.

Your lifestyle is an amalgam of every action that you make within a single day.
An entire day is a microcosm of your entire life! Your whole life is made up of single days, single moments. So what you eat, how well you digest, how much you move, how deeply you sleep, how well you breathe, the quality of every thought and emotion, every word you speak becomes of tremendous importance. In essence, the what, why, where, when and how you live your daily life determines your future health and your future self. WOW!

A healthy lifestyle is a scenario where each day is supported by each moment and your every action within that moment. When you are consciously aligned with your higher purpose, your biggest dreams, your future self and your future health each day, in each moment - you become empowered.

When your everyday actions are random, unconscious or out of alignment with your future self
(i.e. when they are based on past memories, bad experiences, outdated models of being, fear, anger, etc) you undermine the sacred connection to Self/Source and can disempower your self. You risk loosing touch with your deepest wisdom, inner beauty and especially with your own health and vitality.

Maybe now you get a glimpse of how very important everyday living and everyday lifestyle is to your future self and future health. It might seem like an insurmountable task to be accountable for every passing moment - but this is exactly what a yogic lifestyle and spiritual growth calls forth in us.
Because, first and foremost, it is the little habits that we do each and every day that determine who we will become in the future and what level of health we will experience. If we want to enjoy health an vitality down the road, we must gain mastery and control of our health and life right now.

Imagine the Universal Self calling out to you:
"Wake Up, Pay Attention, Up, Every Moment of Your Life is a Blessing. You are Amazing."
If you listen closely, you might hear that voice inviting you into accountable action for your benefit.

When you ignore this inner call and the wisdom speaking through you - what could result?
Either (1) your current health/self remains the same. Static - just as you are - nothing ever evolves and your vision and dreams never manifest. You just plod along as your current self.
OR (2) your current health/self go downhill because you become disconnected and disempowered. In both instances, your future self and future health remain way out of reach, far out on the distant horizon.

If your thinking: "I want to evolve, I want to get to know my future self and manifest great health today" then I'd be delighted to carry on this conversation in person, by phone or Skype.

Please contact me for a complimentary "Evolving Edge" Health Consultation.
You'll need to schedule an appointment and set aside between 30-60 minutes so we can create a deep and meaningful conversation. Together we'll clarify where you are now, where you want to be and we'll assess the distance between them and see what you might do to bridge that gap.

Contact me today:
Lynne Paterson ERYT-500, Wellness Coach, Evolving Edge Lifestyle Consultant

Phone: 413.268.7151

Let's get together!
Life's too short to stay the same!
Life's more fun when we evolve!

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Lynne Paterson, E-RYT500
Founder/Director of Prakasa Yoga Studio